Saturday, January 30, 2021

Week of February 1, 2021

Our Snowy Masterpieces are now on display in the Learning Center Gallery!

Marshmallow Math was so SWEET!

Our 3D Snowflakes look amazing with tons of Paint and Glitter!!!

Groundhog Painting was so much fun!

Groundhog Shadow Experiments were SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! 
(for the children to participate in and for their teachers to witness)

Diamond Prints were so cool to create!

Playtime with friends is the BEST!

Check out our Snow Globes now on display with our Four Year Old Friends' Snowmen!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweet friend!!!  We had so much fun celebrating together!

Weekly Recap:

WOW!  We were so happy to be back in school this week!  We worked so hard and had so much fun!

We loved learning all about groundhogs and Groundhog's Day!  Be sure to check the news reports on Tuesday, February 2nd, to see whether or not he saw his shadow!  We will be discussing the results on Wednesday as part of our Weather and Seasons Units.  Check out our predictions graph that came home on Friday.  

Learning about shadows was a blast!  Ask your little weather reporter to demonstrate on their groundhog craft... all you need to supply is a flashlight!  You may want to ask him/her to sing you our groundhog song too.  If they forget the first line, you can start it up to trigger their memory...  Sung to "I'm a Little Teapot,"  "I'm a little groundhog, furry and round..."  That should get them going!

We were so impressed with our little artists' scissor skills!  They loved showing off their abilities!  Keep up with all the practicing at home.  Great job!

A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week:
This upcoming week is looking to a marvelous one.  We will be learning all about letter Mm as well as discussing the Groundhog's prediction.  Fingers crossed for an early Spring!  We will also be kicking off our new February themes.... I  just know our kiddos will LOVE them! 

Catholic Schools Week:
Please check the "Friday Folder" on our School Website regarding themed days.  (Ex: Monday - wear blue to support The Troopers United Foundation; Wednesday - donations for the Roxbury Food Pantry; Thursday - wear red, white and blue with donations going to the Wounded Warrior Project, etc.)

Valentine's Day: We will be celebrating Valentine's Day in PreK-3 on Friday, February 12th since the holiday falls on a Sunday this year.  We will be exchanging Valentine's Day Cards in school.  Please send in one card per child with only your own child's name on each as the from whom the card is and not the name for whom it is intended.  This will make distribution much easier as the children are only just beginning to recognize each other's names.  We have 7 children in our class.  The children can either make their own little cards or they may be purchased.  That is entirely up to you.  Please do not send in Valentines with food or candy as we have children with allergies in our school.  Your children may begin to bring in their cards whenever they are ready through our celebration day on the 12th.  This little homework idea is completely optional: you may want to take this opportunity to have your child write their first initial (or full name if they are able to) on each of their cards and then finish the rest of their name for him/her.

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week:
Number of the Month: 6
Colors of the Month:  Red, Pink and Gray
Shape of the Month:  Heart
January Themes:  Counting 0-6, Sorting, AABB Patterns, Feelings, Winter, Weather, Camouflage,       Name Recognition, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Calendar, Valentine's Day, Dental Health, Presidents' Day
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals,  Praying for someone other than ourselves, "God is Love"

Show & Tell:  Friday, Feb 5th -  Please bring in one thing that either starts with the Mm sound, is red, gray or heart shaped to show and tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember:

January 31st through February 5th:  Catholic Schools Week - Please see the Friday Folder for more information

February 12th: Tag Day - Valentine's Day Colors
February 15th:  NO SCHOOL: Presidents' Day

Have a Magnificent week!
Paula Dobres

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Week of January 6, 2025

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  I am so excited to start the New Year off with your sweet angels!  It's going to be a fun fe...