Thanks again for helping your little ones learn from home!
Valentine's Day: We will be celebrating Valentine's Day in PreK-3 on Friday, February 12th since the holiday falls on a Sunday this year. We will be exchanging Valentine's Day Cards in school. Please send in one card per child with only your own child's name on each as the from whom the card is and not the name for whom it is intended. This will make distribution much easier as the children are only just beginning to recognize each other's names. We have 7 children in our class. The children can either make their own little cards or they may be purchased. That is entirely up to you. Please do not send in Valentines with food or candy as we have children with allergies in our school. Your children may begin to bring in their cards whenever they are ready through our celebration day on the 12th. This little homework idea is completely optional: you may want to take this opportunity to have your child write their first initial (or full name if they are able to) on each of their cards and then finish the rest of their name for him/her.
Letter of the Week: Kk
Number of the Month: 5
Colors of the Month: Black and White
Shape of the Month: Diamond (rhombus)
January Themes: Counting 0-5, Sorting, AB Patterns, Feelings, Winter, Weather, Hibernation, Name Recognition, Name Writing, Scissor Skills
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Praying for someone other than ourselves
Show & Tell: Friday, Jan 29th - Please bring in one thing that either starts with the Ll sound, is white, black, diamond shaped or weather related to show and tell our friends about.
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