Saturday, March 8, 2025

Week of March 10, 2025

🧁Happy Birthday to our Sweet Friend!🧁

A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week:  We will be finishing up Windy Weather as we Wrap up our Weather Unit!  We will also be finishing up Letter Ss, learning Letter Tt, working on our Transportation STEM Unit, having some St Patrick's Day Fun and observing some early signs of SPRING!!!

🐇🐰Easter Hat Parade🐰🐇 - April 11th at 11:15am:  Easter is in April this year and so is our Annual PreK Easter Hat Celebration!  Time to get out the Peeps, plastic eggs, flowers, bunny ears and your hot glue gun!!  It's your time to shine in creating the most amazing Easter Hat with your little honey bunny!  You can be as simple or elaborate as you'd like.  I'm sure your little cutie will be proud to wear whatever you create together!  Please see the notice coming home soon in your child's folder for more details. 

Here are some examples from years past:

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week: Letter Ss
Numbers of the Months: Number 7
Colors of the Months:  Green
Shapes of the Months: Oval

March Themes:   Counting 0-7, Graphing, Friendship, Transportation, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, St. Patrick's Day, Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes, Differentiating Sizes, Lent, Easter and Signs of SPRING!

Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Praying for Others, Good Deeds, Lent and Easter

Show & Tell:  Friday, March 14th:   FREE CHOICE WEEK  Please bring in one item to SHOW and TELL our friends about.

Important Dates to Remember:

March 17th: St Patrick's Day:  Wear GREEN Day!!
April 7th: 🖍PreK-3, PreK-4 and Kindergarten Family Field Trip to The Crayola Experience

April 11th: 🐇🐰PreK Easter Hat Parade and Egg Hunt 11:15 (Please see details that came home through your child's folder)
April 14th:  Rain/Snow date for Easter Hat Parade and Egg Hunt
April 17th: Noon Dismissal NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE
April 18th- April 25th: No School - Good Friday and Easter Break
April 28th: School Reopens

May 9th: Tentative Field Trip to 📚The Roxbury Public Library 📚(A Few Parent Volunteers may be needed to accompany our class.  Details coming home soon.)

Our Week in Photos:

📸 Here's A Little Snap Shot of Our Week📸  

Our Rainbow Experiment sat all weekend and we LOVED observing the results!

We started our week off by working on our Names and making our Name Rockets!

Then it was on to some sensory play with our Moon Rocks!!

r is for rocket!!!

We learned about thunder and lightning...

And put the finishing touches on our Rain Clouds!

We conducted another color mixing experiment!!
Can you guess what mixing yellow and blue makes?!?!

It makes SHAMROCKS!!!

(Green Ones!)

We loved sitting at our lap desks and following along with the Learning Board to complete our Rainy Day Scholastic Booklet!  It was so fun!

Dressing for the Weather Games were so cool too!!

Bee Bots are so fun to Code and play with!

Our R writing skills are so remarkable!!

Playtime is so fun!

We did so well painting a pattern!!

Can you guess what our pattern project is going to turn into?!?!

Did you guess right?!?!

We learned about Lent and Ash Wednesday this week.

And we started collecting Good Deeds for Lent.

It was so kind of Father Jun to come speak to our class about the meaning of Lent and to give us each our ashes.  

We painted our Cross Eggs so beautifully!

Ss is for snake!

We loved learning snake facts too!
Ask your little zoologist to tell you what snakes use to smell!!

Step One in our windy craft!!

Can you guess what we are making???

Stay tuned next week to find out!!!

Ss is for Smiley Stickers!!!

Can you guess what we are painting?!?!

We did so well with our Pot of Gold finishing touches!!

We did great with our BIG KID Rhyming Work Time!!
We cut out our own Rhyming Pieces!!!!!!

And then we did so well making our RHYMING MATCHES!!!!

Then things really got SILLY in PreK-3!!!!
(BTW, our kiddos were the ones who lined up their shoes this way!! It really cracked us up!  We were expecting a pile of shoes and got this instead!!)

Dancing to silly songs in our SILLY SOCKS was sooooo fun!!!!


Silly Sock Games were so fun too!

Our Cat in The Hat Alphabet Review Game was so much fun!

Silly Show and Tell was so funny!!

🪁Hope you have a terrific week!🪁

                                 Paula Dobres

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Week of March 10, 2025

🧁Happy Birthday to our Sweet Friend!🧁 A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week:   We will be finishing up Windy Weather as we Wrap up our Weather...