Saturday, January 28, 2023

Week of January 30, 2023

N is for Nest.  
Ask your little one to tell you about the sweet story we read!
(If they need a hint, it was about Mr. and Mrs. Bird and moving their nest...)

Nothing beats nice, sunny days (in my opinion!)
Our snow loving Mrs. Selser may disagree lol...

Ask your little meteorologist to tell you what they like to do when it is sunny and warm outside!

Our Five Day friends colored their snowflakes so beautifully!

Our Five Day Friends loved counting snowman buttons too!

We play so nicely with our friends!

Nice Job Puzzle Masters!!

Our Five Day Friends loved playing games on our Learning Board!

N is for Numbers!

N is for Noah's Ark

We love working on our scissor skills!!

n is for night!

And Pajama Day is for hot cocoa!

and muffin picnic snacks too!

Pajama Day is for cozy story times with our snuggle buddies!

and for pretend naps too!!
Nighty, night little love bugs!!

A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week:  We will be learning Letter Oo, introducing the most famous weather forecaster in our country, learning about shadows in our Weather Unit as well as looking ahead to Valentine's Day!

Parent/Teacher Conferences Thank you all so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to meet with me to discuss your little sweethearts.  It was so nice getting to spend some time with our amazing families!

Valentine's Day: We will be celebrating Valentine's Day in PreK-3 on Monday, February 13th. (Valentine's Day is actually on Tuesday, 2/14 but we will be celebrating with our big group on Monday instead.) We will be exchanging Valentine's Day Cards in school.  Please send in one card per child with only your own child's name on each as the from whom the card is and not the name for whom it is intended.  This will make distribution much easier as the children are only just beginning to recognize each other's names.  We have 12 children in our class.  The children can either make their own little cards or they may be purchased.  Please don't spend a lot on them, the dollar stores usually carry class sets.  Please do not send in Valentines with food or candy as we have children with allergies in our school.  Your children may begin to bring in their cards whenever they are ready up through our celebration day on the 13th.  This little homework idea is completely optional: you may want to take this opportunity to have your child write their first initial (or full name if they are able to) on each of their cards and then finish the rest of their name for him/her.

IMPORTANT CHANGE:  On Tuesday, January 31st, our morning friends will be dismissed at 12:30 instead of 12:00 so our teachers can join the rest of the faculty for an HSA sponsored luncheon.  Our PreK lunch time conflicts with that of the Big School so we are requesting that our morning friends bring in their lunches and be dismissed a little later.  Our room moms will be supervising the children during lunch.  If you would prefer for your child to be dismissed at 12:00, please email me or send me a note so we can make arrangements.  Thank you for your cooperation and for treating us to lunch that day!  And a  GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our room moms for volunteering their time to help us enjoy this special treat as well.  💕

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week: Letter Oo
Number of the Month(s): 5 and a look ahead to 6
Colors of the Month(s):  Black and White / Red, Pink and Gray
Shape of the Month(s):  Diamond (rhombus) / Heart
January Themes:  Counting 0-5, Sorting, AB Patterns, Feelings, Winter, Weather, Hibernation,                                          Name Recognition, Name Writing, Scissor Skills

February Themes:  Counting 0-6, Sorting, AABB Patterns, Feelings, Winter, Weather, Camouflage,       Name Recognition, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Calendar, Valentine's Day, Dental Health, Presidents' Day, Groundhog Day

Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, The Epiphany, Praying for Others, Noah's Ark, "God is Love"

Show & Tell:  Friday, February 3rd -    FREE CHOICE WEEK!!  Please bring in one item to Show and Tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember:

January 29th: Catholic Schools Week Begins - Please see Website or Parent Square for schedule of events
January 30th: CSW: Wear BLUE tag day to show support for NJ State Troopers
January 31st:  Collecting donations for Roxbury Social Services
February 1st: Wear your STS T-shirt
February 2nd: Wear Red, White and Blue tag day for Wounded Warrior Project

February 20th: NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day

Hope you have an outstanding week,
Paula Dobres 

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Week of January 6, 2025

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  I am so excited to start the New Year off with your sweet angels!  It's going to be a fun fe...