Sunday, December 8, 2019

Week of December 9, 2019

It was looking like a full week of school until the terrible Ice/Snow Storm hit!  Although I was disappointed to put some of our lessons on hold, it was so much fun to jump start our snowy crafts in PreK-3!!  We also loved decorating our classroom Christmas Tree!  Be sure to sneak a peek at our Winter Wonderland  on display in our classroom next time you are in the Learning Center!

We had a blast painting, glittering and molding with our new blue play dough!  This upcoming week is going to be equally messy and fun!  Be sure to ask your little artist all about his/her mystery stains on their clothes and hands.  We do our best to clean up after all our fun, but some things are a little harder to remove than others so please continue to dress your child in washable play clothes during our regular school days, especially this week... 

Gifts of Kindness  Thank you for helping our class gift Baby Jesus with your children's kindness.  They are all very excited to use their kind and caring words and acts to help celebrate the Advent Season.

Our Parent/Teacher Conferences will be in January.  More information will be coming home through the folders in the upcoming weeks.

Christmas Show:  Our Show will begin at 8:45am on December 13, 2019 in the All Purpose Room of the Church.  Plan on it taking about an hour or so.  The routine will be very different for this special day.  All children should arrive by 8:40 directly to the Church. They will be dismissed right to you after our Show and light refreshments so you can spend the rest of your special day together with with your amazing little Preschool Performer!!  No backpacks or lunchboxes needed on that day.  Please have your child wear their Holiday best.   Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have.

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letters of the Week: Jj
Number of the Month: 4
Color of the Month:  Blue
Shape of the Month:  Star
December Themes:  Counting 0-4, Sorting, AB Patterns, Christmas, Kindness, Feelings, Winter,                                           Name Recognition
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Christmas, "Jesus is Born," Advent

Show & Tell:  Due to the shortened week, there will be NO Show and Tell. 

Dates to Remember:

December 13th: 8:45 AM- PreK-3 Christmas Show 
December 16th: tentative CHRISTMAS SHOW SNOW DATE (I'm in the process of confirming)
December 20th: EARLY DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 23- January 1st: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

See you at the Christmas Show,
Paula Dobres

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Week of March 10, 2025

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