Saturday, January 26, 2019

Week of January 28, 2019

We were off to the races (literally) this week!  We had so much fun being scientists and making predictions, executing experiments, making observations and discussing our findings.  Yes, all of this at the young ages of 3 and 4!  Ask your child all about our "Windy Races."  Some key words you may want to use to help trigger some memories are blowing through straws, pom poms, cube, race track.  

If you catch your child staring up to the skies, don't be alarmed.  We learned about clouds too this week.  We had fun with using our imaginations to see what clouds look like.

We will continue to work on our weather studies this week with rain clouds and lightning.  We will also be learning about one of the most famous weather forecasters, THE GROUNDHOG, as well as  Groundhog Day (Feb 2nd) and shadows. 

Just when you thought things couldn't get more exciting....We will be bringing out SCISSORS this week!!!  (You may want to hide any you may have laying around the house for a while as your "cutting edge" little ones will surely want to practice their newly acquired skills!)

Valentine's Day:  We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 15th in our classroom since we are not in session on the actual holiday (Feb 14th).  We will be exchanging Valentine Cards.  Please send in one card per child with only your own child's name on each as the from whom the card is and not the name for whom it is intended.  This will make distribution much easier as the children are only just beginning to recognize each other's names.  We have 12 children in our class.  The children can either make their own little cards or they may be purchased.  That is entirely up to you.  Please do not send in Valentines with food or candy as we have children with allergies in our classroom and school.  Your children may begin to bring in their cards starting on February 8th all the way through our party on the 15th.     

PreK Parent/Teacher Conferences:   Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to come in to school to discuss your sweet children and their progress.  I really enjoyed getting to know you better and of course discussing one of my favorite topics - your children!

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ll
Number of the Month: 5 and Review of 0-4
Colors of the Month:  Black and White
Shape of the Month:  Diamond
Themes:  Counting, AB Patterns, Sorting and Classifying, Graphing, Winter, Weather, Feelings, Polar Animals
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Making "Good" Choices,  "I Pray Every Day"

Show & Tell:  Friday, Feb 1st  Please bring in something you would like to show and tell our PreK friends about that either begins with the Ll sound, is black, white or diamond shaped, or is weather or groundhog related in some way.

Dates to Remember: 
Week Of January 27th:  Catholic Schools Week
January 27th:  Open House 12:30-2:00
January 30th:  Open House 9:00-11:00
February 2nd:  Groundhog Day - be sure to check out whether or not he saw his shadow!
February 8th-15th:  Send Valentine's Day Cards to school
February 15th: Valentine's Day Party with our Room Parents
February 18th:  NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day

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Week of January 6, 2025

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  I am so excited to start the New Year off with your sweet angels!  It's going to be a fun fe...