π§Happy Birthday Father Jun!!!π§
A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week:
We will be PRACTICING, PRACTICING and PRACTICING for our Christmas Show! We will also be learning Letter Ii, working on our Name Recognition and gifting Baby Jesus gifts of kindness.
πPre-K CHRISTMAS Spectacularππ
πOur PreK Combined 3's and 4's Christmas Showπis on Friday, December 6th at 10:00am in the Main Gym. (Tentative Snow Date on 12/13) Please read through our Show Reminders that came home through your child's folder.
Gifts of Kindness Please read through the information coming home through your child's folder regarding our PreK-3 Gifts of Kindness campaign taking place throughout this beautiful Advent Season.
This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Letter Ii
Numbers of the Months: 4
Colors of the Months: Blue
Shapes of the Months: Star
December Themes: Counting 0-4, Sorting, AB Patterns, Christmas, Kindness, Feelings, Winter, Name Recognition
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Christmas,
"Jesus is Born," Nativity, Advent
Show & Tell: NO SHOW and TELL this week due to our Christmas Show
Dates to Remember:
December 3rd (Tuesday): Santa Shop (Optional)- 5 Day Friends will shop with our class. 3 Day Friends are welcome to come into school and shop with a parent at any time throughout the sale.
December 5th (Thursday): Pizza Lunchπ
December 5th (Thursday): HSA School Wide Pajama Day to raise funds for CHOP
December 6th 10:00am: π
PreK Combined 3's and 4's Christmas ShowπYour child and siblings will be dismissed directly to you after the performance. Preschool will NOT BE in session after the show and Before Care will NOT be available.
December 19th: 8th Grade Project Graduation Tag Day: π
πWear Christmas Colorsππ
December 19th (Thursday): Pizza Lunchπ
December 20th: Schoolwide Christmas Breakfast
December 20th: NOON Dismissal (No After Care)
December 23rd- January 5th: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break
January 6th: School Reopens
January 20th: NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 13th-17th: PRIORITY REGISTRATION begins for the 2025-2026 School Year for current STS Families
January 21st-24th: PreK Conferences (Sign up Genius coming soon)
January 24th: Eighth Grade Project Graduation Tag Day: Sports Day!
January 26th: STS Catholic Schools Week Begins (details coming soon)
Our Week in Photos:
πΈ Here's A Little Snap Shot of Our WeekπΈ
h is for horse!
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the Sabol Family for donating this AMAZING Puppet Theater to our class! We are having so much fun playing with it!!!
We had so much fun learning about the end of Fall and the beginning of Winter Weather after having our first snowfall of the season!!
Our Snowy Trees will soon be on display in our Classroom Gallery!
We did so well tracing the word "WINTER" for our Tree Tags too!!
I can't get enough of our little munchkins' shirts and outfits this year!!!
Our playground is still so much fun even in the chilly weather!
We loved making our reindeer and asking for something special from Santa!!
(We hope Santa was able to take advantage of some Black Friday Specials too!!)
Our Five Day Friends LOVED learning our "Five Fat Turkeys" Song and decorating their our Song Scenes!!
(Shhhh... Don't tell your little turkeys that they were working on their fine motor skills peeling their stickers off their sticker sheets and onto their fall trees!!!)
We had so much fun with our Turkey Scavenger Hunt Games too!!
Counting and sorting our Turkeys during Turkey Math Games was so cool!
Turkey Letter Review Games were so much fun too!!
We ended the week writing a special "Thankfulness" Story...
Stay tuned to see this masterpiece... It is a part of a very special project coming home on Graduation Day in June!!!!
A typical preschool photographer challenge... one smiling, the other not... then vise versa!!!
But absolutely adorable nonetheless!!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Christmas Show!!
Paula Dobres π