Saturday, September 28, 2024

Week of September 30, 2024

Happy Birthday to our sweet little friend!

Weekly Recap:

We had an exciting week creating such a clatter in PreK-3!  We loved using our ears to hear, parading in a marching band with our Rain Sticks, reading, singing and dancing along to Pete the Cat, learning about and creating our own Crabs, cars, talking about our feelings and how it is ok to be a little "crabby" sometimes and so much more!

A Peek at our Week Ahead:

This week we will be learning about Letter Dd, Number 2, our Sense of Smell, the color orange, triangles, the Season of Fall and all about firefighters and fire safety.  We will also be participating in our School Wide Walk-a-Thon on Tuesday, October 1st.  Please dress your child in comfortable shoes!

Dressing for the weather:  As the weather begins to get colder, please dress your child for outdoor play.  I recommend sending your child in a well fitting, warm hat as opposed to wearing a hood as their vision is obstructed with their hood when they run and play on the playground.  Layers are always a good idea as well as we will continue to keep our classroom windows open (even with the heat on) throughout the upcoming months to better ventilate the classroom.  Having a sweater or sweatshirt over their outfits in addition to outerwear is always a good idea so they can peel them on and off if they get warm or chilly.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE label everything with your child's name!!  If you can't find a good spot, use a sharpie and write their name or initials on the washing instructions tag on the inside of the garment.  

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week: Letter Dd
Number of the Month:  2
Color of the Month: Orange
Shape of the Month: Triangle
Monthly Themes: The Five Senses, Season of Fall, Counting 0-2, Sorting, Halloween, Fire Safety & Community Helpers, Pumpkin Science
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Helping and Caring for One Another

Show and Tell:  Friday, October 4th-  FREE CHOICE WEEK - Please bring in One item to show and tell our friends about. ***PLEASE LABEL WITH YOUR CHILD's NAME or place in a labeled baggie***

Dates to Remember:

October 9th- NOON DISMISSAL (No After Care) - Teacher Professional Day

October 9th:  πŸš’Roxbury Fire Fighter VisitπŸš’

October 11th and 14th- NO SCHOOL - Original Teacher Professional Day & Columbus Day

October 21st (Rain date 10/23):  πŸ‚Fall Fun DayπŸ‚ (Details coming home through folders on Monday)

October 25th:  Eighth Grade Tag Day:  Wear Halloween Colors

October 30th: Halloween Parade and PartyπŸŽƒ (Halloween is on Thursday this year therefore we will celebrate on Wednesday morning so our entire class can participate.  Stay tuned for more information!)

December 6th:  πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ PreK Christmas ShowπŸŽ„πŸŽ…(details forthcoming)

Future Eighth Grade Tag Days:

Our Week in Photos:
πŸ“Έ Here's A Little Snap Shot of Our WeekπŸ“Έ 

We did so well counting!!

Then we played our air guitars and sang along with our new favorite story time character, Pete the Cat!!

Then we made our own "C" Pete the Cats!!

They came out so cool!!

Sorting our Pete the Cat shoes was so cool too!!

This worktime was too cute not to include but DON'T ask too many questions...
It is part of our All About Me Unit and a special end of the year surprise...

When it rains outside we play more inside!!

And it's so fun!!

We used our EARS to HEAR this week!

We learned about Rain Sticks and even made our own!!

Can you guess what "c" word we used to fill our rain stick tubes?

Shhhh... don't tell your little ones that they were getting lots of extra fine motor practice during this activity!!!

We loved making our cool rain stick jackets too!!
Skinny markers are so fun to design with!!

Then came the most fun part of all... RAIN STICK rhythms and dancing!!!

(Ok... now we can turn off the rain for a bit!!!)

Our Five Day Friends LOVED Classroom YOGA!!!

Our Five Day Friends did such a great job on our Letter Cc Books too!!

We are becoming such creative story tellers!!!

We learned all about Corn this week too!!

Our Masterpieces are now on display in our Learning Center Combined PreK-3 and 4 Hallway Gallery.  

Our Five Day Friends did such a great job on their cars too!!

C is for Crab walking!!

And C is for Crabs!!
And their crazy pinchers too!! lol

We learned about feelings this week too.
We learned that it is ok to feel "Crabby" sometimes but should look for ways and things to do to feel happy again soon.   Here are our crabbiest faces!! lol

Our Five Day Friends had so much fun making Cc's with playdough!!

It was so COOL!!

We also learned about another very special "Cc" word... CHURCH!!

We are doing so well with our Letter Cc handwriting and beginning picture sounds!!

Our End of September Themes Show and Tell was so CREATIVE!!
(Next week will be a Free Choice Week!!)

Our PreK-3 Cuties are the best!!!

We love our Crazy Silly Dance Contests!!!

I LOVE our COOL shirts!!
Thanks for the chuckles!!

Our playground is so cool too!!

πŸ’—πŸ§Our Sweet Little Baker's Dozen!!!πŸ§πŸ’—
Sooooo Cute!!!

Hope our rain sticks stop working this week!!!
Paula Dobres

Week of December 16, 2024

  πŸŽ„πŸŽ… "HoHoHo... Merry Christmas!" πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ Weekly Recap:    We had such a fun and busy week despite being hit with our first wave o...