Saturday, April 20, 2024

Week of April 22, 2024

Meet our newest little additions to our class!!

A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week:  We will be learning Letter Ww, celebrating our World on Earth Day, focusing on Transportation by Water in our Transportation Unit, and continuing to learn about the Life Cycle!

🐷🐮🐍Space Farms Zoo & Museum Field Trip🐯🐻🐦  

We are looking forward to taking our combined PreK-3, PreK-4 and Kindergarten Field Trip on Wednesday, April 24th with a rain date of Friday, April 26th!!  The weather is looking iffy for Wednesday.  We will make a decision on Monday morning as to whether of not to postpone our trip until Friday.  Please be on the lookout for an email from me.  

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week: Letter Ww
Number of the Month: Number 8
Color of the Month:  Purple
Shape of the Month: Rectangle

April STEAM Units:  Transportation and  Life Cycle

Themes for the Month:  Counting, Graphing, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, Signs of SPRING, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Earth Day 

Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Praying for someone you care about, "God made the Earth," Protecting God's Creatures, and "Taking Care of Our World"

Show & Tell:  No Show and Tell this week due to our Class Trip

Dates to Remember:

April 24th (rain date 4/26):  SPACE FARMS PreK and Kindergarten Field Trip 
April 26th:  Spring Picture Day (Please NOTE that it is on the same day as our Trip Rain Date)
April 26th:  HSA Daddy Daughter Dance
April 27th:  HSA Mother & Son Carnival (HSA rsvp by 4/20 required)

May 10th:  HSA Plant Sale
May 17th:  Tag Day - Wear Pink/Purple for National Cancer Research Month- Mary's Place by The Sea in NJ fundraiser
May TBD:  PreK Summer Fun Week!  (volunteers needed - details coming home soon)
May 24th:  Tag Day:  WEAR RED, WHITE and BLUE to Raise Funds for Eighth Grade Project Graduation  (STAY TUNED: This may coincide with one of our Summer Fun Week Days)

May 24th: Schoolwide NOON DISMISSAL (No aftercare)
May 27th:  NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day

May 29th:  STS Field Day (details coming soon)

June 6th: Last day of PreK 
June 7th:  🎓PreK-3 Graduation🎓 at 10:00am 
Our Week in Photos:
📸 Here's A Little Snap Shot of Our Week📸  

Did you know that caterpillars hatch from eggs???
We loved making our own fingerprint caterpillar eggs!

Painting our hands for a special caterpillar craft was so cool too!

And we loved adding the finishing touches...

They are now on display in our Classroom Gallery!

We also started making another very cool caterpillar!!

Stay tuned to see the finished product!!

We learned Letter Vv this week and made a beautiful Vase full of flowers!
(Our botanists also started learning the parts of a plant and their function...)

Oh and can you guess what form of transportation we started making??
Hint, hint... It travels on water!!!

We started painting our Worlds for a very special Earth Day craft too!!

We loved painting our water color crosses for that same special craft!

Eight is Great!!

Ask your little mathematician to show you eight fingers and to count out eight of any type of object (small toys, cereal, pasta, candies, spoons, carrots, etc...)
You may be very surprised with their math skills!!!

This is the first step in a special transportation craft...

And here is another step for that same craft...

Any guesses as to what we are creating????
Stay tuned to find out...

We had a very special picnic snack on Monday!!

Then had so much fun playing in the sun!!

We ran...

and ran...

and ran...

And we played, and played, and played too!!

And posed for a picture every now and then too!

Even though the weather wasn't as nice the rest of the week, we still had fun on our playground!

Our Frisbee was so much fun to play with!!

Sometimes we had to wait a bit for our teacher to go get it from the other side of our fence!!

Our playground can be so exciting!

And we even relocated a worm to our planter!

Our PreK friends are AMAZING!!

(Look closely at our friend's cool bow!!!)

You never know what you'll find in our wood chips!!!

It was fun to play inside this week too!

Our Five Day Friends LOVED playing ABC Soccer!
(Thanks for the ball Mrs. S.!!)

And then we did soooo well on our Alphabet Review Color by Letter page!

And then came rolling of the dice game!!

And counting out umbrellas on our Roll and Cover Boards!!
It was SO MUCH FUN!!

We finished off the day with some BeeBot Coding fun!!

Vv is for VEGETABLES!!!!

We learned all about them!!

Some of them smelled so good!

We learned about how different they all are (and smell)!!

We had so much fun snapping our own snap peas to see what was hiding inside!!


The moment we had all been waiting for!!!
It was time for our VEGETABLE TASTE TEST!!!!!

We were all so BRAVE!!

Some of us LOVED them more than...

... some others!!

BUT Mrs. Selser and I were AMAZED!!!!!

Everyone tried all of them!!!

And some of our friends realized that they liked something they thought they didn't!!

There may have been a little peer pressure involved too... lol


Then we voted by SECRET BALLOT!!!

And we graphed the results!!!!

We did such an extraordinary job on this very complicated Math activity!!
We graphed our results three different ways!!
I'm so proud of our little veggie taste testers!

The veggie fun continued the next day with our Five Day Friends!

We dissected our vegetables and made some cool observations!!

Then we used them as stamps and...

Had a blast making veggie art!!!

It was so much fun!!

Then our Five Day Friends worked on some Earth Science with an intense study of VOLCANOES!!!

It was sooooo cool to make our very own!

We also learned a beautiful "LAVA" song and took a virtual tour of an amazing Hawaiian Volcano National Park!!


We used our playdough to make our own volcanic sculptures!!!

And even made them erupt with pretend LAVA!!

We topped off all the volcanic fun with some gross motor development...

And played THE FLOOR IS LAVA game!!!

It was SO MUCH FUN!!!

We finished off this very special week by showing off our very impressive public speaking skills!!

Wishing you a Wonderful Week,
Paula Dobres 

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