Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Selser and I are so thankful for your sweet little angels and so incredibly grateful that we get to spend our days with each and every one of them. Thank you for sharing your children with us and entrusting us with their care. They bring us so much joy each and every day! We would like to wish all of our families a very Happy Thanksgiving.ππ¦
Gg is for being grateful for all of our playtimes!
Gg is for Gumball
G is for Glue and Glitter too!
Gg is for GOOD WORK!
Gg is for giraffe!
We did a great job with our Native American Headbands!
Some of use even made a pattern with our design!
Our Beading was GREAT!!
We used playdough the same way the Native Americans used clay! Some of us even made bowls and other useful tools!
Gg is for Good Times!
We are so grateful for our special teachers! They help us so much!!
Roll and Cover counting Games are great!
Our Dinosaur Assembly was AMAZINGGGGG!!
We loved digging for fossils!
WE even got to touch dinosaur poop! Gross!!
Good thing it was fossilized!
Free Choice Show and Tell was so cool!
Thanks for all the Great ideas!
IMPORTANT Reminders:
will be in session full day during the Main School's Conferences on Nov 21st
and 22nd. The Main Building will be having early dismissals during their
conference days which will affect our Noon Dismissal. We ask that
the families who pick up at noon to please be extra careful as the carline will
be very busy. Please buckle your child in at our Learning Center
Curb where the STOP SIGN should be rather than pulling across into the main lot
well as a great deal of patience. Our 2:30 dismissal should be super
easy those two days but will be EXTRA CHALLENGING for everyone on NOVEMBER 23rd
as the ENTIRE SCHOOL will be dismissing at NOON.
Also, if you plan on taking your full day student home at noon with their siblings, kindly email me or send in a note so that I may plan accordingly. Thank you.
A sneak peek at our upcoming week: We will be wrapping up Thanksgiving this week as well as jump starting Christmas! We will also be reviewing our Letters Aa-Gg and taking a sneak peek at Hh! We will be finishing up our November themes as well with a special focus on our families!
TISSUES: We've had lots of runny noses the last few weeks and have used up most of our tissue supply. We would GRATELY APPRECIATE any tissue donations! Thank you!!
This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Aa-Gg Review
Number of the Month: 3
Color of the Month: Brown
Shape of the Month: Square
November Themes: Signs of Fall, Counting 0-3, Sorting, AB Patterns, Thanksgiving, Families, Sharing
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Thankfulness,
"My Family Cares For Me" and "All Saints Day"Show & Tell: NO SHOW and TELL this week
Dates to Remember:
November 21-22: PRESCHOOL will be in full session even though K-8 will have Noon Dismissals for conferences. Our PreK Conferences will take place in January.
November 23rd, Wednesday-π¦ NOON DISMISSAL- No After School Care- Thanksgiving Break
November 24th and 25th- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break
***new date***November 29th, Tuesday⚽⚾- 8th Grade Project Graduation Tag day- Sports Themed
December 9th: 9:00am (Snow Date December 12th) πPreK Combined Three and Four Year Old Classes Christmas Showπ
December 23rd: 8th Grade Project Graduation Tag Day - Wear Christmas Colors
Happy Thanksgiving!
Paula Dobres