We wrapped up our Butterfly Unit this week...
Ask your little scientists what caterpillars come out of...
Then be sure to ask them what caterpillars wrap themselves into....
And lastly, ask your scientists what they turn into when they emerge!!!
Try displaying your artist's water color butterfly on a window to get the FULL EFFECT of their amazing painting!!!
Releasing our Butterflies into the wild was bitter sweet... ask your little conservationist all about it!!
They were so happy in our classroom and needed some convincing to fly away...
It was so amazing to watch our little one's reactions throughout this entire miraculous experience from beginning to end!!
Bye Bye Butterfly...
Our PREK-3 Planter is looking pretty AMAZING!!
Sand Box play is so much fun!
Playing outside is THE BEST!!!
Go ahead... TRY NOT TO YAWN with this craft!!
Hope you enjoyed our Butterfly Journals!!
Ask your scientist what the order of the Butterfly Life Cycle is... they will surely amaze you with their scientific knowledge!!
We learned a new writing technique with Number 10... RAINBOW WRITING!!
Afternoon beading was so cool!!
Ask your little author what their favorite thing to do in the Summer is!!
Painting our Summer Trees was so much fun!!
We're working on a surprise that will be coming home soon!!
Show and Tell continues to be a HUGE HIT!
I can't believe we only have one Show and Tell left this school year.
Our engineers finished off the week with some coding fun on our BeeBots!!
Weekly Recap: We had so much fun learning Letter Yy! Did you know that yawns are contagious?!? We wrapped up our Butterfly Unit and focused on the Season of Summer while reviewing of all four seasons. It's so hard to believe that we've now come full circle... we started school in the Summer and are finishing up our year with the end of Spring! That went sooooo fast!!!
A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week: We will be learning our LAST LETTER of the YEAR!!!! I can't believe it! We will also be practicing (a lot) for our Graduation Ceremony as well as doing lots and lots of reviewing this (2 day) week!!
PreK Summer Fun Week: will take place the week of June 6th. Details came home through your child's folder. Please note that we may have to switch some days around due to the weather so please be flexible with us. I will email our families should any of our dates need to be switched.
Goodie Bags: A great BIG THANK YOU to our Room Moms and to all of our families for contributing to our Summer Fun Goodie Bags for our 12 little sweethearts. Please send in your donations asap if you'd like to contribute as we will be distributing our goodie bags on Monday, 6/6 and that is only a few days away...
PreK-3 Graduation - June 13, 2022: We can't wait for our PreK-3 Graduation! Children will arrive in our classroom at 9:40 that morning and families will head to the Gym in the Main Building. Children will be dismissed to their families right after the celebration. Please refer to the details that came home through your child's folder. I am thrilled that we will be allowed to have our graduation in person and on stage this year!!!
Graduation Refreshment Donations: Again a great BIG THANK YOU to our Room Moms and to all of our families for contributing to our Refreshments for our Graduation Celebration. Please reach out to our two amazing room moms, Mrs. Selser and Mrs. O'Brien, if you are interested in contributing. All donations are SO APPRECIATED!!
This Week's Focus will be on:
Numbers of the Month: 9 and 10
Color of the Month: Review of all Colors
Shape of the Month: Review of all Shapes
STEAM Units: Transportation and Life Cycle
Themes for the Month: Counting, Graphing, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, Seasons of SPRING and Summer, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Mother's Day, Flowers and Insects
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Praying for someone you care about, "We Love Mary" and "We Sing Our Prayers"
Show & Tell: Friday, June 3rd: OUR LAST SHOW AND TELL THIS SCHOOL YEAR!!!! And it's going to be a FREE CHOICE WEEK!!!!! Please bring in one thing that you would like to show and tell our friends about.
Dates to Remember:
May 30th: NO SCHOOL- Memorial Day
June 6th- June 10th: Summer Fun Week in PreK
June 10th: Last Day of PreK
June 13th: PreK-3 Graduation 10:00am
Have an amaZing week!!!