Sunday, November 28, 2021

Week of November 29, 2021

Now on loan at the STS Learning Center Hallway Gallery...

Our Amazing Masterpieces!

H is for House!  Can't wait for you to peek inside to see who lives in our houses and what we love doing together!

We loved learning about The First Thanksgiving!

Our Baby Jesus Craft was so fun to make.

Our Crafts are now on display in our Classroom Gallery!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  
We are so thankful for the amazing opportunity to teach your incredible little ones!  
Thank you for sharing them with us here at St Therese School.

 Weekly Recap:  

We loved learning about different kinds of families and talking about how grateful we are for everyone in our own families.  We made houses and drew our families inside!  We also talked about our favorite things to do with our families.  Our masterpieces are on display in the Learning Center Hallway!  

A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week: 

We will be hitting the ground running this week with so much to get done before Christmas!  We will be doing lots of practicing of our Christmas Carols to get ready for our Show on December 10th.  If you hear some beautiful singing and humming at home, please encourage it even if it is about two red apples, five pumpkins or five fat turkeys!  We will also be working on letter Ii as well as kicking off our December themes this week.  We are also starting our Gifts of Kindness campaign in PreK-3!  Please check your child's folder this week for all the details.

Christmas Show:  We are so excited for our Show on December 10th!  PreK-3 will perform at 5:00pm so please arrive between 4:45 and 5:00.  We will begin promptly at 5:00 to allow enough time between our show and PreK-4's performance.  Our show will be short but very sweet.  Our little carolers can't wait to sing our songs for you!!  Attendance at our performance is of course completely optional but kindly let me know if your family chooses not to attend.   

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ii 
Number of the Month: 4
Color of the Month:  Blue
Shape of the Month:  Star
December Themes:  Counting 0-4, Sorting, AB Patterns, Christmas, Kindness, Feelings, Winter,                                           Name Recognition
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Christmas, "Jesus is Born," Advent

Show & Tell:  Friday, December 3rd -  FREE CHOICE WEEK!  Bring anything you'd like in to Show and Tell our friends about!

Dates to Remember:

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„December 10th:  EVENING CHRISTMAS SHOW!!  πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 2nd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Hope you have an incredible week!
Paula Dobres 


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Week of November 20th- Happy Thanksgiving


Mrs. McDonald and I are so thankful for your sweet little angels and so incredibly grateful that we get to spend our days with each and every one of them.  Thank you for sharing your children with us and entrusting us with their care.  They bring us so much joy each and every day! πŸ’—πŸ¦ƒ 

We are so thankful for our FRIENDS!

Working on a top secret project... don't ask too many questions!

"g is for giraffe"

Patterning Practice!

Our Master Builders are back at it!

Sewing Native American Necklaces was so much fun!

Making our Native American Headbands was so cool!

Playground Fun!

"H is for Hippo"

Free Choice Show and Tell was a HUGE HIT!


Our Public Speaking Skills are progressing so nicely!

And we are becoming such a wonderful audience too!  

❅❄❆  It's time for WINTER HATS, MITTENS and COATS!  ❆❄❅

We are so Thankful for our sweet class!!

Weekly Recap:  We loved learning all about the First Thanksgiving this week and about how grateful the Pilgrims were to the Native Americans for all of their help.  We also focused on what we are most thankful for and realized how blessed we all are!  Ask your little one to tell you all about it!  We wrapped up Letter Gg and started learning Letter Hh and had fun making and learning about Giraffes and Hippos.  

A Sneak Peek at Our Upcoming Week: This week we will be finishing up letter Hh, number 3 and squares.  We will be reviewing our letters as well as wrapping up some Thanksgiving activities.

IMPORTANT Reminder: PreK-3 will be in session full day during the Main School's Conferences on Nov 22nd and 23rd.  The Main Building will be having early dismissals during their conference days which will affect our Noon Dismissal. We ask that the families who pick up at noon to please be extra careful as the carline will be very busy.  Please buckle your child in at our Learning Center Curb where the STOP SIGN should be rather than pulling across into the main lot parking spots.  THE CARLINE IS LONG and WILL TAKE MORE TIME as well as a great deal of  patience.  Our 2:30 dismissal should be super easy those two days but will be EXTRA CHALLENGING on NOVEMBER 24th as the ENTIRE SCHOOL will be dismissing at NOON.   

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letters of the Week:  Hh and letter review Aa-Hh
Number of the Month: 3
Color of the Month:  Brown
Shape of the Month:  Square
November Themes:  Signs of Fall, Counting 0-3, Sorting, AB Patterns, Pumpkin Science, Thanksgiving, Families, Sharing
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Thankfulness, "My Family Cares For Me"

Show & Tell:  NO Show and Tell this week due to the shortened week

Dates to Remember:

Note date change: November 30th: TAG DAY:  to raise funds for our Sister School
November 24th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
November 25-28th:  NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„December 10th:  EVENING CHRISTMAS SHOW!!  πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 2nd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Paula Dobres

Week of December 16, 2024

  πŸŽ„πŸŽ… "HoHoHo... Merry Christmas!" πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ Weekly Recap:    We had such a fun and busy week despite being hit with our first wave o...