Saturday, September 25, 2021

Week of September 27, 2021

B is for BEARs!!

This group truly is GOLDEN!  
Thank you so much for participating in our St Jude's Fundraiser and for all of your generous contributions.

B is for Binoculars!

"PreK, PreK, what do you see????"

B is for Best Friends!

We had so much fun making acorns- an early sign of FALL!

They are now on display in our classroom!

Putting our Finishing Touches on our Apples - Now on Display in the Learning Center Hallway Gallery!

Circle Prints were SO MUCH FUN to make!!!

Ask your little one to show you how to count one finger and how to write a number one!

Bears were so much fun to make, read about, sing songs about and learn facts about!!!

(Sorry about all the photos this week... it was so hard for me to narrow them down!!  These munchkins are SO ADORABLE!)

Weekly Recap:

We had another blessed week of learning bliss!  Our little authors and illustrators LOVED sharing their "All About Me" Books with one another!  I hope you enjoyed them at home too!  They really enjoyed spending the day with their teddy bears on Show and Tell Friday.  "Blue Bird, Blue Bird" was so much fun to make, play and sing along to!  We loved going on our "Bear Hunt" and using our binoculars to explore our sense of sight.  The children adored being adventurers and exploring our school grounds using our binoculars!  They made so many wonderful discoveries!  Be sure to ask them all about it! 

A Peek at our Week Ahead:

This week we will be learning the letter Cc, focusing on our sense of hearing, learning about and observing signs of Fall and wrapping up our September themes and kicking off October!  It is going to be another busy week!!

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week: Letter Cc
Numbers of the Month:  0, 1 and introducing 2
Color of the month: yellow
Shape of the month: circle
Themes: All About Me, Making Friends, Apples, The Five Senses, Season of Fall
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals

Show and Tell:  Friday, October 1st-  Please bring in something that starts with the "C" sound (car, cookie monster, cat, clown, etc.) or something yellow or circle shaped to show and tell our friends about. ***PLEASE LABEL WITH YOUR CHILD's NAME***

Dates to Remember:

October 8th and 11th- NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Day & Columbus Day

October 20th- SAVE THE DATE- Fall Fun Day  (details to follow through your child's backpack)

October 29th-  Halloween Parade (details to follow)

"Happy Fall Y'All!"
Paula Dobres

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Week of September 20, 2021

We had another birthday in PreK-3!!!

Puzzles are so much fun!

Ask your little mathematician to show you zero fingers...

We loved painting apples... the first step in our multi-step craft!

Learning about "apple stars" and pips was so cool!

"a is for apple"

"A is for alligator!"

Playground fun!

Our apple taste test was soooooooo yummy!!!


So it seems as though the PreK-3 Bug has made its rounds around our class!  I cannot thank all of our vigilant families enough for keeping their sick little ones home and getting them tested as needed. It is so refreshing to have parents like yourselves keeping the health and safety of everyone else in mind when making these decisions. I know it’s hard to keep your preschooler home this early in the school year but it really is for the best when they are not feeling well. I’m happy to report that the Covid tests I know of were all negative!  It’s hard to believe that this bug spread so quickly especially with all the extra safety precautions that we have in place but it just goes to show how these things can spread and affect so many so quickly.  All that being said, our school nurses would like you to report all illnesses and Covid tests directly to them as they are tracking the health and safety of everyone at our school.  I appreciate your emails to keep me in the loop as well but if you only have time to contact one person, please make that the school nurse.

Weekly Recap:

We had such a fun first full week of PreK this week!  

Letter Aa, Number 0, All About Me, Show and Tell, Alligators, Apples, Sense of Taste: Apple Taste Test, Color Yellow, and Play Dough were just some of the highlights!  We loved dancing and singing "The Alligator Chomp" as well as our "Silly Dance Contest!"

A Peek at our Week Ahead:

This upcoming week promises to be just as much fun as we explore The Season of Fall, Letter Bb, our Sense of Sight and Number 1!

Please remember your Teddy Bear for Show and Tell on Friday as well as to wear yellow/gold in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness that day.  Your $1 donations for St. Jude's Children's Hospital are greatly appreciated.

This Week's Focus will be on:

Letter of the Week: Letter Bb
Numbers of the Month:  0 and 1
Color of the month: yellow
Shape of the month: circle
Themes: All About Me, Making Friends, Apples, The Five Senses, Season of Fall
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals

Show and Tell:  Friday, September 24th-  Please bring your Teddy Bear to school for Letter Bb fun!  ***PLEASE LABEL WITH YOUR CHILD's NAME***

Dates to Remember:

Friday, September 24th:    Tag Day - Wear Gold or Yellow for Childhood Cancer Awareness

October 8th and 11th- NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Day & Columbus Day

Have a Blessed week,
Paula Dobres

Week of December 16, 2024

  🎄🎅 "HoHoHo... Merry Christmas!" 🎅 🎄 Weekly Recap:    We had such a fun and busy week despite being hit with our first wave o...