T is for Tunnel!
T is for Train
Paper and Human!
Do you know what two colors make purple?
Ask your preschooler - they do!!
Our finger painting masterpieces are drying in our classroom and will come home on Monday.
PreK-3 is Truck-loads of fun!
Our trucks would carry some pretty cool loads!
Ask your little trucker what their truck would carry!
Our trucks are now on display in the Learning Center Hallway Gallery!
So much traffic!
We had a Terrific time on the playground!
Welcome back Mrs McDonald!!!
Our two friends finally got to meet in person!
Preschoolers are just too cute for words!
t is for tree!
Ask your little arborist all about the largest tree in the world!
Be sure to ask them about all the tree parts too!
Making Pipe Cleaner Rectangles was so cool!
Try making some at home with different things you find around the house!
Email me photos and I will share them on our Smart Board!
(You may even earn a sticker for your extra credit effort!)
Wait until you see what our painted circles are going to become!
T is for Tiger!
Ask your little conservationist what the biggest cat in the world is!
Also, be sure to ask them why Tiger Stripes are so cool...
Did we Terrify you with our Tiger Teeth?!?
Weekly Recap: I am so proud of how hard all of our little munchkins worked this week!!! We truly hit the ground running and were able to get through a "tree-mendous" amount of school work! T is for a Terrific group of children!
A Sneak Peak at Our Upcoming Week: This is promising to be a Unique week! We will be working on letter Uu, opposites, Earth Day and looking UP to see some cool forms of transportation! Let's hope that we won't need our umbrellas so we can get outside on the playground for some undeniable fun too!
PreK-3 Graduation - June 11, 2012: We are in the process of planning our PreK-3 Graduation. As of right now, IT WILL BE IN PERSON!!!!!! Of course this is subject to change depending on State and Local Health Department protocols but we are planning on having a live and in person celebration! More information to follow but please mark your calendars. Our special celebration will start at 10:00am sharp in the STS Gym. Children will arrive in our classroom at 9:30 that morning and families will head to the Gym. Children will be dismissed to their families right after the celebration. We are still working out the number of guests allowed per student as well as whether or not we will be allowed to provide light refreshments. More details to follow. I am just thrilled that we will (hopefully) be allowed to have our graduation this year!!!
This Week's Focus will be on:
Color of the Month: Purple
Shape of the Month: Rectangle
STEAM Unit: Transportation and Life Cycle
Themes for the Month: Counting, Graphing, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, Signs of SPRING, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Earth Day
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Praying for someone you care about, "God made the Earth," Protecting God's Creatures, "Taking Care of Our World"
Show & Tell: Friday, April 23rd: FREE CHOICE WEEK Please bring in one thing that you would like to show and tell our friends about.
Dates to Remember:
April 22: Earth Day Tag Day donations going to the American Forest Foundation (A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our third grader, Emma Rust, for coming up with the idea!)
April 28th: Spring School Photo Day
May 24-27: Book Fair
May TBD: Summer Fun Day in PreK (details to follow)
May 28th: NOON DISMISSAL - Memorial Day Weekend - No After School Care
May 31st: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
June 9th: Last Day of PreK-3 for Three Day Students
June 10th: Last Day of PreK-3&4 Blended Program for Five Day Students
June 11th: PreK-3 Graduation 10:00 am (more information to follow)
Hope U have unique week, I know we will!
Paula Dobres