Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for the amazing opportunity to teach your incredible little ones! Thank you for sharing them with us here at St Therese School.
Weekly Recap:
We loved learning about different kinds of families and talking about how grateful we are for everyone in our own families. We made houses and drew our families inside! We also talked about our favorite things to do with our families. Our masterpieces are on display in the Learning Center Hallway!
Be sure to count the "marshmallows" on top of your child's pumpkin pie! (HINT: It's the number we've been working on all month.) They worked so hard on their amazing pies! Their little "pinchers" were sore after all that work!
A Sneak Peak at Our Upcoming Week:
We will be hitting the ground running this week with so much to get done before Christmas! We will be doing lots of practicing of our Christmas Show songs to get ready for our Show on December 18th. If you hear some beautiful singing and humming at home, please encourage it even if it is about two red apples, five pumpkins or five fat turkeys! We will also be working on letter Ii as well as kicking off our December themes this week. We are also starting our Gifts of Kindness campaign in PreK-3 on Monday! Please check your child's folder for all the details.
Christmas Show: Our Show will still go on just a bit differently. Details to follow...
This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ii
Number of the Month: 4
Color of the Month: Blue
Shape of the Month: Star
December Themes: Counting 0-4, Sorting, AB Patterns, Christmas, Kindness, Feelings, Winter, Name Recognition
Religion: Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Christmas, "Jesus is Born," Advent
Show & Tell: Friday, December 4th - Please bring something that is blue, star shaped or begins with the letter Ii sound to show and tell our friends about. (Please label with your child's name or place the object in a labeled baggie.)
December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 3rd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break