Sunday, November 29, 2020

Week of November 30, 2020

Now on loan at the STS Learning Center Hallway Gallery...
Our Amazing Masterpieces!
H is for House!  Can't wait for you to peek inside to see who lives in our houses and what we love doing together!

Pumpkin Pie slices were so fun to make... 
We had no idea that we were working on our fine motor and math skills!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for the amazing opportunity to teach your incredible little ones!  Thank you for sharing them with us here at St Therese School.

 Weekly Recap:  

We loved learning about different kinds of families and talking about how grateful we are for everyone in our own families.  We made houses and drew our families inside!  We also talked about our favorite things to do with our families.  Our masterpieces are on display in the Learning Center Hallway!  

Be sure to count the "marshmallows" on top of your child's pumpkin pie!  (HINT: It's the number we've been working on all month.)  They worked so hard on their amazing pies!  Their little "pinchers" were sore after all that work!

A Sneak Peak at Our Upcoming Week: 

We will be hitting the ground running this week with so much to get done before Christmas!  We will be doing lots of practicing of our Christmas Show songs to get ready for our Show on December 18th.  If you hear some beautiful singing and humming at home, please encourage it even if it is about two red apples, five pumpkins or five fat turkeys!  We will also be working on letter Ii as well as kicking off our December themes this week.  We are also starting our Gifts of Kindness campaign in PreK-3 on Monday!  Please check your child's folder for all the details.

Our Parent/Teacher Conferences will be in January.  More information will be coming home through the folders in the upcoming weeks.

Christmas Show:  Our Show will still go on just a bit differently.  Details to follow...

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ii 
Number of the Month: 4
Color of the Month:  Blue
Shape of the Month:  Star
December Themes:  Counting 0-4, Sorting, AB Patterns, Christmas, Kindness, Feelings, Winter,                                           Name Recognition
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Christmas, "Jesus is Born," Advent

Show & Tell:  Friday, December 4th -  Please bring something that is blue, star shaped or begins with the letter Ii  sound to show and tell our friends about.  (Please label with your child's name or place the object in a labeled baggie.)

Dates to Remember:

December 18th (snow date Dec 21st):  PreK Christmas Show with virtual audience info to follow
December 18th:  8th Grade Tag Day: Ugly Christmas Sweater
December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 3rd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

January 4th:  School reopens
January 18th:  NO SCHOOL:  Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 24th-29th:  Catholic Schools Week

Hope you have an incredible week!
Paula Dobres 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Week of November 23, 2020


Mrs. McDonald and I are so thankful for your sweet little children and so incredibly grateful that we get to spend our days with each and every one of them.  Thank you for sharing them with us and entrusting us with their care.  They bring us so much joy each and every day! 💗🦃

We loved learning about the First Thanksgiving!

Our Little Engineers had so much fun hiding their turkeys
from the cooks in their amazing structures!

Sewing our Native American necklaces was so cool!

We loved sharing what we are thankful for during Show and Tell!

We are so THANKFUL for our playground!

Weekly Recap:  We loved learning all about the First Thanksgiving this week and about how grateful the Pilgrims were to the Native Americans for all of their help.  We also focused on what we are most thankful for and realized how blessed we all are!  Ask your little one to tell you all about it!  We started learning Letter Hh and had fun making and learning about Hippos and horses.  Ask your little one to gallop like a horse.  We were amazed at their galloping skills!!  We also made adorable get well soon cards for our favorite Principal, Mr. Dunnigan, who is in our daily prayers for a speedy recovery.

A Sneak Peak at Our Upcoming Week: This week we will be finishing up letter Hh, number 3 and squares.  We will be reviewing our letters as well as wrapping up some Thanksgiving activities.

Reminder: PreK-3 will be in session full day during the Main School's Conferences on Nov 23rd and 24th.  The Main Building will be having early dismissals during their conference days which will affect our Noon Dismissal. We ask that the families who pick up at noon to please join the Main Building Carline.  We will be dismissing your children from the Main School's Main Entrance during those days as well as on Nov 25th.  THE LINE IS LONG and WILL TAKE MORE TIME as well as a great deal of  patience.  The good news though, is that the main building will start dismissing at 11:30.  PreK however will dismiss at 12:00 but will be in the Main Building from 11:30 on to accommodate pick up with siblings.  Hopefully this will alleviate some of the anticipated congestion!  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  Please refer to the note that come home with your child on Friday for more details.

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letters of the Week:  Hh and letter review Aa-Hh
Number of the Month: 3
Color of the Month:  Brown
Shape of the Month:  Square
November Themes:  Signs of Fall, Counting 0-3, Sorting, AB Patterns, Pumpkin Science, Thanksgiving, Families, Sharing
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Thankfulness, "My Family Cares For Me"

Show & Tell:  NO Show and Tell this week due to the shortened week

Dates to Remember:

November 23rd and 24th: Regular School Days for PreK/ Half Days for the Main Building.  Noon Dismissal from the Main Building, 2:30 dismissal from the Learning Center

November 25th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care- Dismissal from the Main Building starting at 11:30

November 26-27:  NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

December 5th: HSA possible Breakfast with Santa
December 18th (snow date Dec 21st):  TBD PreK Christmas Show with virtual audience info to follow
December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 3rd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Happy Thanksgiving!
Paula Dobres 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Week of November 16, 2020

We hope you're enjoying their beautiful "handy" work at home!

Bye Bye Jack-o-Lantern, hope you become a little home for someone this Winter!
Be sure to ask your little turkey all about the story "Mousekin's Golden House" and what we did with our Halloween Jack-o-Lantern!

G is for Gumball!  We loved making dot marker gumballs!

Painting our turkey bodies brown was so much fun!

Popsicle stick squares were cool to make.  
Ask your little shape builder to find some squares around your home!

Pumpkin shape puzzles are so much fun to solve!

We loved learning to make patterns this week! They were a "snap" to put together!

GOOD times with GREAT friends in PreK-3!!
We are so GRATEFUL for each and every one of our little turkeys!

It really doesn't seem to matter if we have a full week or a short week in school, somehow we mange to pack all of our weeks full of learning fun!  Hope your little sweethearts are coming home with lots of fun stories about school!

Weekly Recap:  We loved learning Turkey facts this week and then making our own turkeys as well as a cool scene from the song we are learning, "Five Fat Turkeys Are We."  We also loved learning what a gumball machine is and making our own G gumball machines.  The children were mesmerized by the gumball book we read!  Patterns and squares were so cool to learn about.  We really do have a mathematical class this year!  I think we have some future scientists and engineers on our hands!!

A Sneak Peak at Our Upcoming Week: This week we will be finishing up letter Gg and starting up Hh.  We will also be focusing on the true meaning of Thanksgiving, gratitude and the importance of sharing.  We will also continue to work on shapes as well as patterning.

Reminder: PreK-3 will be in session full day during the Main School's Conferences on Nov 23rd and 24th.  The Main Building will be having early dismissals during their conference days which will affect our Noon Dismissal. We ask that the families who pick up at noon to please join the Main Building Carline.  We will be dismissing your children from the Main School's Main Entrance during those days as well as on Nov 25th.  THE LINE IS LONG and WILL TAKE MORE TIME as well as a great deal of  patience.  The good news though, is that the main building will start dismissing at 11:30.  PreK however will dismiss at 12:00.  Hopefully this will alleviate some of the anticipated congestion!  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letters of the Week: Gg and Hh
Number of the Month: 3
Color of the Month:  Brown
Shape of the Month:  Square
November Themes:  Signs of Fall, Counting 0-3, Sorting, AB Patterns, Pumpkin Science, Thanksgiving, Families, Sharing
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Thankfulness, "My Family Cares For Me"

Show & Tell:  On Friday, November 20th, please bring in something you are thankful for to show and tell our friends about. (Family photo, special book, special toy, clip art of favorite food, etc.)

Dates to Remember:

November 20th:  School pictures retake day
November 23rd and 24th: Regular School Days for PreK/ Half Days for the Main Building
November 25th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
November 26-27:  NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

December 5th: HSA possible Breakfast with Santa
December 18th (snow date Dec 21st):  PreK Christmas Show with virtual audience info to follow
December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 3rd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Hope you have a Happy week!
Paula Dobres 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week of November 9, 2020

 Fun with Friends Week

Potato Head Senses was such a fun wrap up to our Five Senses Unit!

Fall "LEAVES" us so happy!!!

We were "blown away" by all the fun on such a windy Monday! 

We have so much Fun with our Friends on our playground!

Sensory Sand was so cool to play with!
(We had no idea that we were working on our fine motor skills!)

We used all of our senses by popping our own popcorn! 

Ask your little taste tester if they were a thumbs up or a thumbs down!!

We just keep piling on the fun on our playground!

Weekly Recap: We loved learning about foxes and frogs as we learned the letter Ff this week!  We also learned about All Saints Day.  We were so excited that our incredible school was named after a Saint too!  We continued to learn about the Season of Fall and are learning some new songs for November.  Ask your little musician to put on a little show for you.  Here are the prompts... "Autumn leaves are falling" and "Five fat turkeys are we."  We also love doing the "Turkey Pokey!" I hope that gets them motivated to sing and dance for you!  We had such a fabulous time wrapping up our Five Sense Unit with some Potato Head fun and POPCORN POPPING!!!  Be sure to ask your little one all about it!

A Sneak Peak at Our Upcoming Week: We will begin learning Letter Gg and continue with Gg next week as well due to the shortened week.  We will be focusing on the meaning of Thanksgiving, working on the color brown as well as AB Patterns (abab, green-red-green-red, etc.)  We have been working so hard in school on working on our independence skills like: getting our own supplies, snacks and water bottles, trying to put on our own masks, picking things up on our own when they fall from the table, cleaning up our toys, putting on our backpacks, etc.  Please continue to encourage independence at home as well.  You might be AMAZED at how much your little munchkins can actually do for themselves!!

Reminder: PreK-3 will be in session full day during the Main School's Conferences on Nov 23rd and 24th.  The Main Building will be having early dismissals during their conference days which will affect our Noon Dismissal. We ask that the families who pick up at noon to please join the Main Building Carline.  We will be dismissing your children from the Main School's Main Entrance during those days as well as on Nov 25th.  THE LINE IS LONG and WILL TAKE MORE TIME as well as a great deal of  patience.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  We hope to have our Learning Center Parking Lot back soon.  Please refer to the notice that came home through our child's folder this week. (PreK Conferences will be held in January.) 

8th Grade Fundraisers: Flyers went home on Friday.  Please note that they are double sided.  Family Portraits are due Nov 12th - event is on 13th and 14th.  Meatball Madness is Saturday Nov 21st - preorders and curbside pick up only due to COVID restrictions.  

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Gg
Number of the Month: 3
Color of the Month:  Brown
Shape of the Month:  Square
November Themes:  Signs of Fall, Counting 0-3, Sorting, AB Patterns, Pumpkin Science, Thanksgiving, Families, Sharing
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, Thankfulness, "My Family Cares For Me"

Show & Tell:  NO SHOW AND TELL this week due to the shortened week.

Dates to Remember:

November 13th:  NO SCHOOL - in honor of Veteran's Day
November 20th:  School pictures retake day
November 23rd and 24th: Regular School Days for PreK/ Half Days for the Main Building
November 25th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
November 26-27:  NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

December 5th: HSA possible Breakfast with Santa
December 18th (snow date Dec 21st):  PreK Christmas Show with virtual audience info to follow
December 23rd: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 24- January 3rd: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Hope you have a GREAT week!
Paula Dobres 

Week of December 16, 2024

  🎄🎅 "HoHoHo... Merry Christmas!" 🎅 🎄 Weekly Recap:    We had such a fun and busy week despite being hit with our first wave o...