Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week of October 28, 2019

We finally had a full week of school!  And was it ever a special one!!  Spiders, mummies, popcorn, monsters, elephants and eggs were just a few of our highlights!

Halloween:  Please join us for our Parade at approximately 11:15 on Wednesday, October 30th.  Please refer to the information sent home a few weeks ago for all the particulars.  Please keep in mind that the students will be dismissed directly from the Learning Center doors.  We will not be dismissing in the typical car line format.  For the safety of all children, PLEASE DO NOT AT ANY POINT TAKE YOUR CHILD FROM OUR PARADE LINE. 

Mulching:  A great big thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help mulch our playground.  You did an amazing job!  Thank you Mrs. Reed for your tireless efforts in selling mums to raise funds to accomplish this much needed project and for organizing the day!!

Christmas Show:  YES, we are already planning our PreK-3 Christmas Show!  It will be here before we know it so PLEASE mark your calendars!!  It will begin at 8:45am on December 13, 2019 in the All Purpose Room of the Church.  Plan on it taking about an hour or so.  The routine will be very different for this special day.  All children will arrive a little later and will be dismissed directly to you right after our Show and refreshments so you can spend the rest of your special day together with with your amazing little Preschool Performer!!  I will be sending home more information in the upcoming weeks but please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have.

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ff
Number of the Month: 2 and 3
Colors of the Month:  Orange/Brown
Shapes of the Month:  Triangle/Square
Themes:  Signs of Fall, Counting 0-3, Sorting, Halloween, AB Patterns, Pumpkin Science, Measuring, Observations
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, "The Good Shepherd Cares for His Sheep"

Show & Tell:  On Friday, November 1st, please bring in something that starts with the "F" sound (family photo, friend's photo, fox, frog, fish, fruit, fire truck, fire fighter, "funny" joke, etc.)  to show and tell our friends about.  If you have a hard time finding something, you can always send in a print out of a picture.  The children really do look forward to sharing their items with one another!

Dates to Remember:

October 30th:  Halloween Parade at 11:15 and Party beforehand

November 8th: HSA Tricky Tray
November 11th:  NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
November 27th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
November 28-29:  NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

December 7th: HSA Breakfast with Santa
December 13th: 8:45 AM- PreK-3 Christmas Show (more information to follow)
December 20th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 23- January 1st: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Hope you have a "F"abulous  week.  I know it will be an "F"antastic one in PreK-3!
Paula Dobres

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week of October 21, 2019

Last week was another short but busy week in PreK-3.  I am so proud of all of the children for coming back to school, after a full week off, without missing a beat!  They all remembered our routines and came right in ready to learn and play!

Fall Fun Day was so much fun!  A big shout out to Mrs. Reed for organizing such a successful day and a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of our amazing parent volunteers who went above and beyond their volunteer posts to ensure that all the children had a great time!  A big thank you to Mr Reed for making the amazing play dough that we all had so much fun playing with and sniffing and to Mr Dobres for helping pick out and load up the most perfect pumpkins for our pumpkin patch!
Halloween falls on a Thursday this year so we will celebrate it on Wednesday, October 30th in PreK.  We will have a special parade and sing some of our favorite songs afterwards.  Please refer to the information sent home with all the specific information for the day.

Christmas Show:  YES, we are already planning our PreK-3 Christmas Show!  It will be here before we know it so PLEASE mark your calendars!!  It will begin at 8:45am on December 13, 2019 in the All Purpose Room of the Church.  Plan on it taking about an hour or so.  The routine will be very different for this special day.  All children will arrive a little later and will be dismissed directly to you right after our Show and refreshments so you can spend the rest of your special day together with with your amazing little Preschool Performer!!  I will be sending more information in the upcoming weeks but please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have. 

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ee
Number of the Month: 2
Color of the Month:  Orange
Shape of the Month:  Triangle
Themes:  The Five Senses, Signs of Fall, Counting 0-2, Sorting, Halloween
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, "The Good Shepherd Cares for His Sheep"

Show & Tell:  On Friday, October 25th, please bring in something that starts with the "E" sound (envelope, elephant, Easter egg, elf, eel, tell about an "exciting" time, eagle, etc.) or something orange or something triangular to show and tell our friends about.  If you have a hard time finding something, you can always send in a print out of a picture.  The children really do look forward to sharing their items with one another!

LOTS of Dates to Remember:

October 25th: Tag Day- Wear your favorite Halloween Colors
October 26th: Playground Mulching
October 30th:  Halloween Parade at 11:15 and Party beforehand

November 8th: HSA Tricky Tray
November 11th:  NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
November 27th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
November 28-29:  NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

December 7th: HSA Breakfast with Santa
December 13th: 8:45 AM- PreK-3 Christmas Show (more information to follow)
December 20th: NOON DISMISSAL for all students- No After School Care
December 23- January 1st: NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

Hope you have an "E"xtra special  week.  I know it will be an "E"xciting one in PreK-3!
Paula Dobres

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week of October 14, 2019

The Roxbury Fire Department visited us this week and taught us some very important fire safety information.  They were fabulous presenters and we were a wonderful audience!

We had a great time reviewing our letters and exploring our sense of touch this week. 

This week was so much fun!  The photos above say it all!

Fall Fun Day is this Wednesday, October 16th.  It will be held rain or shine so let's all keep our fingers crossed for a dry morning!  Please dress your child for the weather as we hope to be outside for a large portion of the morning.

Halloween falls on a Thursday this year so we will celebrate it on Wednesday, October 30th in PreK.  We will have a parade and sing some of our favorite songs afterwards.  I sent home all the details through your child's folder this week so please take a look through it and let me know if you have any questions.

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week:  Letter Review: Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd
Number of the Month: 2
Color of the Month:  Orange
Shape of the Month:  Triangle
Themes:  Sense of Touch, Signs of Fall, Counting 0-2, Sorting, Halloween
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, "Jesus is the Good Shepherd"

Show & Tell: We will NOT have Show and Tell this week due to the shortened week.

Dates to Remember:
October 16th:  Pre-K Fall Fun Day
October 30th:  Halloween Parade and Party

Hope you have a super week!
Paula Dobres

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week of October 7, 2019

Is it really just October?!?  Our little PreK-3 pumpkins have settled into our school and classroom routines with such amazing ease!  I am so proud of them!

We had a fabulous week learning about fire safety, letter Dd, dinosaurs, dogs and even dragons!  We explored our sense of smell too!  Some smells we unanimously disliked aka GARLIC!  And others we unanimously loved aka SYRUP!  We may also have come home with some colorful smudges on our sniffers... smelly markers were so much fun to create masterpieces with!!  Fun, fun, fun! 

We are learning some special seasonal songs that we absolutely love to sing and dramatize.  Ask your little musician to give you a little sneak peek at "Five Little Pumpkins!"  We can't wait to sing it for you after our Halloween Parade!

On October 7th we will have a visit from the Roxbury Fire Department and we will be spending some time learning about fire safety all morning in preparation for their visit.  All morning children are invited to stay.  If you have not let me know of your intention to have your child stay, please do so as soon as possible.  Please see the notice that went home through your child's backpack earlier this week regarding lunch and pick-up procedures for morning children on that day.

Fall Fun Day is right around the corner!  It is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th. We are collecting $7 per student to help cover the expenses for that fun filled day.  Please return your payment with your child's name by October 9th.  We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us run the stations that morning.  Please let me know in you would be interested in helping out.

Our Mums for Mulch fundraiser delivery and pick-up is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th in the main building entrance.  A notice with all the details will be sent home through your child's folder.  Thank you for supporting this wonderful cause!

Halloween falls on a Thursday this year so we will celebrate it on Wednesday, October 30th in PreK.  We will have a parade and sing some of our favorite songs afterwards.  I will send home information through your child's folder this week so please take a look through it and let me know if you have any questions.

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week:  Letter Review: Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd
Number of the Month: 2
Color of the Month:  Orange
Shape of the Month:  Triangle
Themes:  Fire Safety, Sense of Touch, Signs of Fall, Counting 0-2, Sorting, Halloween
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace before meals, "Jesus is the Good Shepherd"

Show & Tell: We will NOT have Show and Tell this week due to the shortened week.

Dates to Remember:
October 9th: Mums for Mulch pick-up
October 7th:  Fire Fighter Visit 
October 9th:  Fall Fun Day payment due
October 11th and 14th- No School - Teacher Professional Day & Columbus Day
October 16th:  Pre-K Fall Fun Day
October 30th:  Halloween Parade and Party

Hope you have a super week!
Paula Dobres

Week of December 16, 2024

  🎄🎅 "HoHoHo... Merry Christmas!" 🎅 🎄 Weekly Recap:    We had such a fun and busy week despite being hit with our first wave o...