Sunday, March 31, 2019

Week of April 1, 2019

Our week was full of silly characters!  We read and sang lots of silly books and songs.  We also painted in a very silly and unusual way.  Our masterpieces are drying in our classroom and should be ready to come home on Monday.  We also practiced our writing and creativity skills in a very silly and unusual way... in Shaving Cream!  Oh it was SO FUN!!

We worked on our gross motor skills by having some more Silly Dance Contests as well as learning and dancing to a new silly song called "Old Sock Stew!"  Oh, and did your silly little one mention our Silly Sock Scavenger Hunt?  It was such a silly week!!!

We learned about boats this week with a special focus on sail boats.  We also made some scientific predictions about sinking and floating and had so much fun experimenting with different objects to test whether they would sink or float.

It is so hard to believe that we are already in April!  We will be wrapping up our Transportation Unit in the next couple of weeks and shifting gears to our new STEAM Unit on the Life Cycle.  We will also be focusing on our last major shape of the year, the rectangle, as well as focusing on the end of the alphabet with some pretty tricky letters, Uu, Vv, and Ww this month.

If you haven't done so already, please send in your payment and order form for The Land of Make Believe Trip.  A couple of families already spoke to me about not being able to attend.  If you haven't spoken to me and do not plan on attending, please let me know as soon as possible so we can finalize our plans.

We are also in the process of planning our PreK-3 Graduation in June.  Once I have a confirmed date and time I will let you know asap so you can plan accordingly.

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Tt
Number of the Month: 8
Color of the Month:  Purple
Shape of the Month:  Rectangle
STEAM Unit:  Transportation and Life Cycle
Themes for the Month:  Counting, Graphing, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, Signs of SPRING, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales 
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Lent, Easter, Praying for someone you care about and  "God made the Earth" 

Show & Tell:  Friday, April 5th:   FREE CHOICE WEEK  Bring in anything that you'd like to show and tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember: 
April 12th- 9:00am Easter Hat Parade for PreK-3 and PreK-4
April 19-26 - Easter Vacation,  School Closed  (School re-opens April 29th)
May 15th- Land of Make Believe Trip (Rain date of May 17th)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Week of March 25, 2019

Our week was full of naughty characters!  Goldilocks, Rabbit Foo Foo and Duck in the Muck were lots of fun to read/sing about! 

You may have heard your sweet, little character using a new word they learned this week, MEDIUM. They really enjoyed putting objects all around the classroom in size order and saying the word.  They were really funny to watch!

Making our rockets was lots of fun, especially placing our very special "astronauts" in them!!  We also learned about trucks this week and were so creative about what type of load we would transport. 

Signs of Spring were fun to learn about as well.  We learned that sighting a robin is one of the earliest signs of Spring.  You may even be able to spot some in our Pre-K hallway!!  We secretly surveyed the children on their favorite season and they graphed their responses. Mrs. Matthews and I were shocked at the results!  Be sure to ask your preschooler all about it and feel free to sneak a peek in our classroom to see the results for yourself.  (Let's just say that we have lots of snow lovers in our classroom!)

This upcoming week is going to be a "SILLY" one!  Please look in your child's folder for our Silly Sock Day notice.   The children really get such a "kick" out of these special days!  Mrs. Matthews and I absolutely love being a part of all the excitement!

Thank you so much for all of your generous wipes donations and your constant support!!  Both are so appreciated!

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Ss
Number of the Month: 7
Color of the Month:  Green
Shape of the Month:  Oval
STEAM Unit:  Transportation
Themes for the Month:  Counting, Graphing, Size Order (small, medium, big), Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, Signs of SPRING, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales 
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Lent, Easter, Praying for someone you care about 

Show & Tell:  Friday, March 29th:    Bring in something silly that you'd like  to show and tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember: 
April 12th- 9:00am Easter Hat Parade for Pre-K
April 19-26 - Easter Vacation,  School Closed  (School re-opens April 29th)
May 15th- Land of Make Believe Trip (Rain date of May 17th)

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Week of March 18, 2019

We came so close to catching a leprechaun in PreK-3!  He made such a mischievous mess in our classroom but did leave behind some shiny gold coins!

The children all looked so adorable in their St. Patrick's Day GREEN, especially when they put on their leprechaun masks!

Letter Qq was fun to learn about.  We learned what a quilt is and made our very own paper quilts.  We also learned how many times the act of giving makes us so much happier than that of receiving.

In math we worked on matching pairs, counting and number recognition.  We also practiced our scissor skills.  I am so impressed with how well the children are doing with their cutting. 

You may notice that there are fewer projects coming home at this time.  The reason for this is that we are working on more hands on, game type of learning using various games and manipulatives.  We are also busy making things to decorate our classroom and hallway.  You may want to sneak a peek next time you are in the Learning Center.   

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Rr
Number of the Month: 7
Color of the Month:  Green
Shape of the Month:  Oval
STEAM Unit:  Transportation
Themes for the Month:  Counting, Graphing, Size Order (small, medium, big), Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, Signs of SPRING, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales 
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Lent, Easter, Praying for someone you care about 

Show & Tell:  Friday, March 22nd:  FREE CHOICE  Bring anything you'd like in to show and tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember: 
April 12th- 9:00am Easter Hat Parade for PreK
April 19-26 - Easter Vacation,  School Closed  (School re-opens April 29th)
May 15th- Land of Make Believe Trip (Rain date of May 17th)

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Week of March 11, 2019

Who knew that learning letter Pp could be so much fun?!?  It should be Popcorn and Pajamas Day everyday!  We had such a great time!!  Be sure to ask your preschooler all about it!

I hope you enjoyed your child's Weather Book and all the surprises hidden inside.  Your preschooler worked so hard on that masterpiece and should be very proud of their accomplishment!

We kicked off our new STEAM unit on transportation this week as well as our Language Arts unit on Nursery Rhymes.  Both of these units will be ongoing for several weeks.  You may not see things coming home for a while for either unit but rest assured that we have more surprises in the making... hint, hint!!

Mark Your Calendars: 
🎕Our Annual PreK Easter Hat Parade will be on April 12th at 9:00 am.  (More details to follow.)
🎕Our Annual Class Trip to The Land of Make Believe will be on  May 15th with a rain date of May 17th.  (More details to follow.)

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Qq
Number of the Month: 7
Color of the Month:  Green
Shape of the Month:  Oval
Themes for the Month:  Counting, Graphing, Feelings, Transportation, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, St. Patrick's Day, Signs of SPRING, Nursery Rhymes 
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Lent, Praying for someone you care about 

Show & Tell:  Friday, March 15th:  Please wear something GREEN or St. Patrick's Day themed to celebrate St Patrick's Day and bring something GREEN or ST. Patrick's Day themed in to show and tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember: 
March 15th- Wear GREEN Day and SHOW and TELL
April 12th- Easter Hat Parade for PreK
April 19-26 - Easter Vacation,  School Closed  (School re-opens April 29th)
May 15th- Land of Make Believe Trip (Rain date of May 17th)

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week of March 3, 2019

We had so much fun celebrating Dr Seuss' Birthday on Friday!  It was a fun time to rhyme!!!  The children loved The Cat in The Hat  and the activities we were able to squeeze into the shortened day.  We have quite the skilled rhymers in our class! I was so impressed!!  We also put our Math skills to work... Did you notice how well your child was able to paint an AB Pattern on their Cat in The Hat hats?  They all did such a great job!

We made a class rainbow that we can't wait to show you in the upcoming weeks.  We will be wrapping up our STEAM Unit on Weather this week and will be beginning our new Unit on  Transportation.  Let's hope for good weather so we can get all of our learning fun in!!

If you happen to be in the Learning Center in the next few weeks, be sure to check out our adorable Noah's Ark display in the hallway.  The children worked very hard on their multi-step masterpieces!

****PAJAMA DAY for PreK-3 will be this Friday, March 8th.  Please have your child wear their favorite pajamas to school and bring in a snuggly friend (teddy bear, doll, stuffed animal, etc.)  as their SHOW and TELL item.****  

Mark Your Calendars: 
🎕Our Annual PreK Easter Bonnet Parade will be on April 12th at 9:00 am.  (More details to follow.)
🎕Our Annual Class Trip to The Land of Make Believe will be on  May 15th with a rain date of May 17th.  (More details to follow.)

This Week's Focus will be on:
Letter of the Week: Pp
Number of the Month: 7
Color of the Month:  Green
Shape of the Month:  Oval
Themes for the Month:  Counting, Graphing, Feelings, Transportation, Name Writing, Scissor Skills, Opposites, Rhyming, St. Patrick's Day, Signs of SPRING!  
Religion:  Sign of the Cross, Simple Prayers, Grace Before Meals, Lent, Praying for someone you care about 

Show & Tell:  Friday, March 8th:  Please wear your favorite Pajamas to school and bring  in a "snuggly friend" (teddy bear, doll, stuffed animal, etc.)  to show and tell our friends about.

Dates to Remember: 
March 6 - Ash Wednesday  - Regular School Day
March 8th- P is for Pajama Day for PreK-3
April 12th- Easter Bonnet Parade for Pre-K
April 19-26 - Easter Vacation,  School Closed  (School re-opens April 29th)
May 15th- Land of Make Believe Trip (Rain date of May 17th)

Week of December 16, 2024

  🎄🎅 "HoHoHo... Merry Christmas!" 🎅 🎄 Weekly Recap:    We had such a fun and busy week despite being hit with our first wave o...